

Meditation has always been a struggle for me, I’ve gone through phases of trying out different apps and guided meditations, but I never stayed consistent to see results. And then I heard about Transcendental Meditation (TM). I heard about it on several […]

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Bee Pollen Health Benefits

Bee pollen is a good source of bioactive compounds. There are about 250 substances in its overall composition, including essential amino acids, lipids, enzymes, carotenoids and bioflavonoids, phenolic compounds, micronutrients (vitamins & minerals), and macronutrients. Research has indicated that bee […]

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Kinsey’s ultimate guide to optimizing your health

Kinsey’s Ultimate Guide To Optimizing Your Health

The meaning of health is often misunderstood and sometimes undermined. Jenna Templeton, a health educator, and freelance science writer says, “Health is often understood as the absence of disease or sickness. While this definition is valid, it lacks the comprehensiveness […]

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Elevate Your Crudité

Elevate Your Crudité

Some might argue that crudité is tasteless and underwhelming, but I’m here to tell you that it can be so much more than the ordinary carrot sticks, broccoli florets, cherry tomatoes, and so forth.   When snacking, I love a yummy […]

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Hemp Seed Health Benefits

Hemp Seed Health Benefits

Hemp seeds are packed with a diverse range of health benefits and can be incorporated into the diet in a variety of ways. Hemp seeds are an excellent source of plant-based protein, they contain all 20 amino acids making them […]

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Why you should be drinking organic coffee

Why you should be drinking organic coffee

Conventional coffee crops are chemically treated with pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, and fungicides. These crops are so heavily treated that they are known to be one of the most chemically treated crops in the world. Various studies have confirmed recurrent exposure […]

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