Elevate Your Crudité

Elevate Your Crudité

Some might argue that crudité is tasteless and underwhelming, but I’m here to tell you that it can be so much more than the ordinary carrot sticks, broccoli florets, cherry tomatoes, and so forth.  

When snacking, I love a yummy dip whether it’s fresh guacamole, sprouted hummus, heirloom salsa, or a garlic spread. Don’t get me wrong, I love to indulge in a good quality chip or cracker, but for the most part, I typically feel my best when I opt for vegetables instead.


1.Simply modifying the way vegetables are sliced can make an immense difference in appearance and ultimately the texture and hence taste. 

2. Going by what’s in season is an easy way to ensure diversity and optimal freshness. 

3. Try using different colors to give an appeal to the eye and get in a variety of nutrients.  

4. VEGGIE IDEAS: Mini Bell Pepper ⁣⁣- Endive ⁣- Colorful Carrots ⁣- Jicama⁣ – Cucumber – Celery-  Fennel – Rainbow Radish ⁣- Lettuce leaves – Snap Peas – Heirloom Tomatoes. 

5. When eating out, don’t be afraid to ask for veggies instead of chips. Ask for a variety and you might be surprised by what some places can pull together! 

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